Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pony Up

I recently spent some time with my adopted family in Nashville. It was a much needed and welcome escape on a whole bunch of levels but I was particularly struck by a couple things:

1. This kickass little boutique advertising agency that totally defies the idea of the ad agency being some: work your fingers to the bone, eat you up and swallow you whole work environment that might have cool digs, but really just comes in an attractive package agency. I really had to resist the urge to link a couple of "those" agencies in here, but I shall stay on the cautiously optimistic side. The folks at RedPepper were gracious enough to let me mull around their digs for a morning and I was awestruck by the post-its, intelligent banter, the comps, the finished pieces, the nooks and crannies, the stories from the night before, and especially the fact that not one person had a weiner handshake.

If there were more places that fostered a work environment that encouraged and required spending an hour a day learning...whatever you want and need, the world would be a much, much better place.

2. I have a thing for exploring subcultures and will go anywhere once. About ten years ago I went to my first SteepleChase event and have been going back whenever possible ever since. The Iroquois SteepleChase was last weekend and it did not disappoint, although I am certain I have never been to one of these events and actually seen LESS of the horses. Details. Percy Warner Park is one of the most lovely in-city parks you'll find and the weather typically is a sunny 80 degrees. This year did not disappoint. The mojitos were cold, the horses ran, and never once did my betted jockey fall off, dammit it all to hell, as there's always extra cash for that!

These Southern folks have a few things figured out when it comes to doing a tailgate or a party at such an event; and while I will forever be more comfortable in my Teva's and tank top over those fancy dressses and hats (when in Rome) I am happy to report that it was another epic day.

It sometimes takes a trip or time spent with great people to get yourself back into a happy spot after some set backs, a kick to the gut, or other set back. I am happy to report that with my quick getaway I killed both the birds; and then some and then some. I will be back....

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